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Mike Raleigh

Mike Raleigh

Vice President, Growth at Longitude73 and a 20 year veteran of multi-discipline marketing. Speaker. Entrepreneur. Dreamer. Passionate about making brands connect with consumers in ways that are mutually beneficial.

Recent Posts:

How To Improve Employee Adherence To Your Corporate Travel Programs

Employees are in fact consumers, and they want what they want, when they want it. And what they want is not limited to the things that their employers care about like cheap flights, hotels and transportation. They want the tools and facilitation to plan travel that work for them personally.

The Local Brew #3: Brand Loyalty and Proximity

Brands need to do everything in their power to be present when their customers or potential customers are looking for them!

The Local Brew #2: Local Landing Pages for Tourism Boards

We're discussing how tourism websites can benefit from approaching local audiences empathetically.

The Local Brew #1: All Realtors Are Not Created Equal

Making sure all realtors are not created equal.

It’s the “Little Things.” What You Should Know About Micro-Moments.

A few years ago, Google first introduced us to the notion of “micro-moments.” These are defined as “intent-rich moments when a person turns to a device to act on a need - to know, go, do, or buy.”

The Big Consumer "Bye Bye" To Marketers

With the overwhelming amount of e-mails and advertising (web, TV, radio, you name it) that we’re exposed to each and every moment, it’s no surprise that more people are choosing to “check out.”

3 Reasons To Add Georelevance To Your Marketing

You know how you behave online. You ask the search engine questions and then scan the results, often starting below the ads. You then evaluate the results, clicking on those that seem most relevant, toggling between the written word, image/video and shopping depending on the nature of the question. How often is there local context in those searches? Often. Provide your customers with exactly what they're looking for and you'll reap the benefits!

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