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Why Do Tutoring Centers Have a Giant Opportunity?

I’ll give you the answer right here: because most parents are not certified teachers! As you well know, kids everywhere are home from school due to widespread school district closings for what is projected to be weeks. That puts parents everywhere in the, momentarily fun, but uncomfortable position of having to be parents, teachers, gym coaches. Insert here all of the standard parent comments about new math vs. old math and you’ve found the primary root of the problem.

Being Local and Proactive During a Time of Disruption

I went to Whole Foods to grab some fresh fruit for the kids yesterday morning. I arrived at 8:15 am in the hopes of beating any shelf clearing behaviors and, let's be honest, to avoid other people. When I arrived, the store manager was posted in the doorway informing everyone, in a friendly manner, that we had to wait until 9 am because until then shopping was reserved for people 60 years of age or older. I didn't see a single soul argue with this new policy for the simple fact that it seemed like the right thing to do.

How Can Your Big Brand Become Their Local Pharmacist, During a Time of Crisis?

If you’re following our location-based business videos, you know that we help large-scale, chain businesses better serve their local communities to drive store-level performance and lifetime value.

Marketers: What Can Your Local Hardware Store Teach You About Brand Presence?

In the past, all shops and service providers were local whizzes. They had a presence in their small town, were experts in their specialty, and knew their customers.

Nextdoor: Is the Social Network for Neighborhoods an Opportunity?

We often discuss the great advertising opportunity that comes from Nextdoor. So, what exactly is it?

How To Gain Tremendous Insights Through Brand Localization

We often talk about the need for brands to be "local."

Refuting Excuses for Not Doing Local Marketing

Customers expect brands to be present when they’re looking for them.

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